Posts Tagged 'Jim Woodring'

Comic chat

In the early days of online chat (1996) Microsoft actually had taste for a moment and got Jim Woodring to design the characters and backgrounds to a product called Comic Chat (same as this post! Amazing!) .

I'm glad they did it, but it would have been a fun meeting at Microsoft

I'm glad they did it, but it would have been a fun meeting at Microsoft

Comic chat was used as the basis for a web comic called jERKCITY. It’s stupid and offensive and funny.

"Slurping and drooling and hurrrrr."

"Slurping and drooling and hurrrrr."

Check out the jERKCITY wikipedia entry! It also gets an entry in Encyclopaedia of stupid, which probably makes more sense.

And it has a cool and kind of offensive video. More than one, but I only watched this one. It reminded me of the time TISM programmed Rage and played the theme to the 7:30 report.

And they have a twitter account. That’s why I like twitter. No other reason.

Which is why MS Comic Chat was created. The end.
